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How Walkable is Your Neighborhood?

Homeowners with an eye to sell their home may be hearing words like walkability. But was does it mean and how does it apply to your situation? While it isn’t a big factor with all buyers or all situations, it…

¿Qué es una garantía de vivienda?

La garantía de la vivienda la proporciona una empresa externa. Por una cuota mensual, que suele añadirse al pago de la hipoteca, puede obtener descuentos en determinadas reparaciones e incluso cubrir otras...

¿Debería comprar una piscina? Pros y contras

A medida que las temperaturas veraniegas alcanzan máximos históricos en muchas partes de Estados Unidos, los propietarios buscan formas de mantenerse frescos y divertirse. Instalar una piscina parece una gran idea, pero hay cosas que debe saber antes

How to Boost Your Credit Score to Prepare for Buying a House

If you are getting ready for home ownership, you have probably taken a good long look at your personal finances. Having a great credit score can be helpful when qualifying for a mortgage. If yours is less than stellar, here…

Budgeting for Homeownership in a Crazy Market

There’s no denying that today’s housing market is expensive. With prices increasing dramatically in the past few years, many potential homebuyers are left wondering if they’ll ever be able to afford to purchase a home. Here are some ways that…

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